The Update You’ve Been Waiting For!

May 6, 2020
In the past two months we’ve learned to be flexible and to shift directions quickly. Watching services online and not seeing each other face-to-face is less than ideal, but we’ve made it work for a season. Thank you for your steadfastness and patience through all of this!
This weekend marks the beginning of a new chapter. On Monday, we received notification that two variances passed for Sheridan County. The first allows certain businesses to reopen within certain guidelines. The second allows religious gatherings to resume meeting within certain guidelines. We’ve taken the past couple days to review those guidelines to ensure that we can adequately adhere to these new norms.
We are excited to say that we will open the doors again on Sunday morning for worship! Please note that some things will not quickly return to “normal.” Also, we will continue to put extra effort into the live stream to ensure that our online presence remains strong and easily accessible.
In order to safely open our doors again, we need your help with a few things.
  • Physical distancing – one of the biggest requirements in this variance is that we ensure physical distancing between households. We know that we are excited to see each. However, we ask that you visit with each other outside to help provide enough space indoors for people to get where they need to go. We’ve spaced out the chairs in the sanctuary to help follow the guidelines.
  • Masks – we encourage you to wear a mask while in the building.
  • Self-assessment – If you are “vulnerable” or provide care for vulnerable individuals, though we miss you terribly, please consider joining us online instead. If you are ill in any way, please stay home and watch online.
  • Children’s Ministry and Nursery – while we are making all these adjustments, we decided to delay the relaunch of children’s ministry and nursery. Kids are always welcome to attend church and we encourage you to make each Sunday a family event. We are working on some new opportunities for summer ministry – details coming soon! Be sure to join the Cornerstone Kids Group on Facebook for all the latest curriculum and resources to use at home.
  • Bring Your Own Coffee – The current variance does not allow us to open the coffee bar or to serve food.
Finally, please feel free to make the best choice for you and your family. We respect your choice to worship in person or to worship with us online. Either way, let’s continue to worship King Jesus each and every day.
We invite you to join us on Sunday in person at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM or online at 10:30 AM!
(If you wish to read the variance, click here.)