Today’s Message || We Belong to God
1 John 4:1-6
2024 Prayer
Each month in 2024 we will ask everyone to unite in prayer around a particular subject. The prayer topic for October is GOVERNMENT LEADERS & ALL THOSE IN AUTHORITY (1 Timothy 2:2).
Important Giving Update
Our website and online giving platform has gone through some significant upgrades in the month of October. For those who give online, you may notice will be a name change from “ShareFaith Giving” to “Amplify Giving.” Please reach out right away if you have any problems. We will roll out some other updates and new tools this fall.
Foundation Stones
Foundation Stones is an orientation offered periodically as a basic introduction to Cornerstone Church. Since we have members from many different church backgrounds, this was designed to clearly explain who and what our church is. Four basic areas are covered:
- OUR SALVATION – through Christ
- OUR STATEMENT – about who we are as a Church Family
- OUR STRUCTURE – designed to help us fulfill our purpose
- OUR STRATEGY – about how we fulfill our purpose as a Church Family
If you are walking with Jesus and would like to publicly proclaim your faith through water baptism, please let us know! We are tentatively planning baptisms for November 24. More details coming!
Operation Christmas Child Packing Party & Soup Potluck

More information –
Packing Instructions –
Packing List –
Join us for a soup potluck and Operation Christmas Child Packing Party! Please plan to bring a pot of soup, bread item or dessert to share. We’ll be collecting items to put in our boxes. We’ll also be taking a love offering to help cover the cost of shipping for our boxes.